Marine Traffic Engineering Centre
located at the Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland, offers navigation training in accordance with IMO STCW Convention and a full range of scientific-research works in marine traffic engineering in open and restricted water areas. The Centre comprises laboratories co-financed from the EU regional development funds in projects "Construction of Marine Traffic Engineering Centre in Maritime University of Szczecin (MTEC)" and "Centre of Navigational Technologies for Innovative Marine Economy (CTN)".
Laboratories build and equipped within the project of CTN are presented at: www.ctn.am.szczecin.pl
The shiphadling simulator of MTEC consists of:
one full mission simulator with 270° visualisation and live marine ship equipment including DP class 2,
two multi task simulators with 120° visualisation and mix of real and screen-simulated ship-like equipment including Voith-Schneider tug console,
two desktop PC simulators with one monitor visualisation and one monitor screen-simulated ship-like equipment,
debriefing, instructor and server rooms.
All hardware and software of MTEC shiphandling simulator is forming the Polaris System from Kongsberg Maritime AS which was granted DNV certificate for compliance or exceeding the regulations set forward in STCW’95 (section A-I/12, section B-I/12, table A-II/1, table A-II/2 and table A-II/3).
DNV Approval Certificate for Polaris System.pdf
In order to create own ship models a hydrodynamic ship-modelling tool is available. This tool enables creating almost any ship type (controls for at least two engines with propellers’ controls for fixed propeller, adjustable pitch propeller CPP and azimuth; rudder controls adequate for various types of conventional rudders and Z-drive / azimuth – DP ready) with very high fidelity hydrodynamics in 6 DOF (surge, sway, yaw, roll, pitch & heave).

Visualisations of own ships, target ships and research areas are made in Multi-Gen 3D type environment. Training or research areas consist of the following types of databases interconnected to simulator live-marine equipment, screen-based equipment and hydrodynamic ship models: radar databases, depth databases, buoy databases, chart databases, visual databases, wave databases, current databases, wind databases, tidal height databases, fender databases, bank databases, navtex databases, DGPS databases, VTS databases, lock gates databases.

MTE Centre presently has ready to use 10 databases of sea - harbour areas including 8 European ones: Gibraltar Strait, English Channel, Europort, Hamburg, Danish Straits (Great Belt, Little Belt), Ystad, Świnoujście and 11 ship models including LNG carriers.
MTE Centre is ready to perform the following IMO Courses: - radar navigation - operational level (Model course 1.07)
- radar navigation - management level (Model course 1.08) - ship simulator and bridge teamwork (Model course 1.22) - operational use of electronic chart dsiplay and information systems (ECDIS) (Model course 1.27) - operational use of integrated bridge systems including integrated navigation systems (Model course 1.32) - automatic identification system (Model course 1.34)
And the following NI Courses:
- DP Induction / Basic,
- DP Simulator / Advanced.
MTE Centre also participates in “Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch” (operational level) and “Master and Chief Mate” (management level) courses, performs shiphandling courses of large ships, ships of unusual characteristics, twin screw vessels and tugs. Contact: +48914809716, +48914809717.
In scientific domain MTE Centre is ready to perform navigation safety analysis of any water region based on tenths of registered parameters of own and target ships’ in reference to the research area (among others: positions, SOG, COG, SOW, COW, heading, rate of turn, ship’s controls adjustments - propulsion devices, rudders, thrusters, tugs, anchors, mooring ropes, external excitations).