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Home Students' Research Circle
Students Research Circle
Students' Research Circle of Dynamic Positioning Systems


SCDPS was established in October 2011 by Mr Pawel Zalewski. Initially 30 students and 3 supportive members were engaged in Circle’s activity. Meetings are taking place every three months – as per statute.

On March meeting (08.03.2012) Circle’s board was elected. Bartosz Muczynski, master’s degree student of maritime transport specialization, was appointed a new chairman. Mr Arkadiusz Tomczak and Mr Rafal Gralak, remained supportive members. Recently Circle is experiencing much lower activity due to graduation and on-board sea training of most of the previous members.


  • Stimulating scientific interests of Circle’s members, especially:
    • Practical uses of positioning methods
    • Computer simulation and modeling (ships, sensors, positioning systems)
    • Quantification of safety and risk with analysis of on board procedures
    • Data integration and data fusion
  • Participation of Circle’s members in Marine Traffic Engineering Centre’s researches, mainly in area of dynamic positioning and data fusion
  • Organization of periodic meetings promoting Circle’s activity among students
  • Development of Circle’s web page
  • Trainings and field researches in aspects of DP measurements methods and marine mining
  • Participation in scientific conferences as well as organization of workshops and seminars presenting researches at the Maritime University of Szczecin
  • Methods and techniques of measurements
  • Mobile application development




Akademia Morska w Szczecinie 

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