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Kongsberg European Users Conference EUC'08

Between 24-26th September 2008 the Kongsberg Ship Simulator User Conference took place in Szczecin. The topics of the conference, including Maritime University and MTEC activities presentations, are available in pdf file EUC 2008 programme and at www site Ship Simulator User Conference

Official Opening of the MTE Centre

The official opening ceremony of Marine Traffic Engineering Centre took place on 26th April 2007. The 2-year project of purchase and installation of the latest shiphandling simulator in Poland co-financed from the European Union funds has been finished. Simulator was officially opened by the Rector of Szczecin Maritime University and representatives of voivodship, municipal, Polish universities and marine enterprises authorities.

click to enlarge image

Signing of contract agreement
  Full mission bridge A (No. 1)

Link to download congratulations from the Minister of Marine Economy -


Akademia Morska w Szczecinie 

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